Swarovski Necklaces

La Senja » Swarovski Jewelry » Swarovski Necklaces

Swarovski Necklaces

The Necklaces La Senja show in an exquisite way the exceptional color range and variety of the corresponding kinds of Swarovski crystals with their numerous diverse facets and effects. They are a necessary component of the vision of each woman, who would like to create a striking first impression, especially when combined with appropriate earrings in the same style and tonality in order to achieve a complete effect. Worn as an everyday playful accessory or as an impressive element of the composition for an evening party the La Senja necklace with Swarovski crystals represents an indispensable element of the representativeness of every woman, without which something from the contemporary philosophy of luxury and elegance would be missing. Exclusively handmade with the latest technologies and materials of Swarovski, unique as design and combination of crystals and silver or stainless steel in addition.

Swarovski Necklaces

The various variants of different numbers of Swarovski crystals and their combination with the metal base allow their use at every moment of the everyday life of the contemporary woman. For example, you can wear a La Senja necklace from Viva or Viva with an Edge collection, which contains just one crystal and looks a little simple, but is at the same time exquisite. Eight color palettes for every taste, the effect is achieved thanks to the many facets of the crystal with every movement of the jewellery. The same refers to Pure, Mystic, Magic Stone, Royal, Blush, Graphic, Grace, Elegance, Ocean and Love collection, where the color variations and the variety of facets allow the satisfaction of every sophisticated taste. The collections Brilliance, Flame Love, Rain Drop, Rivoli Orbit and Love Dots correspond to the taste of fans of more sophisticated shapes and combinations of crystals of varying sizes and color ranges, suitable for everyday life as well as for an exquisite evening dress, where an impressive vision is supposed to be achieved. They include a large crystal in the middle of the metal base, exquisitely surrounded by precisely arranged small crystals on the periphery, as a whole the composition creates the feeling of eternal classics and style. The variety of forms of these collections generally facilitates the choice of style, pattern, color and effect.

Swarovski Crystal Necklaces

Another group of necklaces includes a slightly more special style of arrangement of different size and color crystals, requiring a high level of aesthetics and compositional skills by the designer and applicator - Andalucia, Galaxy, Twilight, Blossom, Allure, Crystal Glow, Serenity, Infinity, Romance and Stardust. Here, the precision of the arrangement of the crystals in size and color is of utmost importance, regardless of the complexity of the shape of the necklace, so as to obtain a completely integrated image. The emanation of design and application skills is the perfect La Senja necklace with Swarovski crystals in La Maria collection, where many small crystals of one or two alternating colours of the same tonality are arranged on the periphery of the large crystal with no metal base. The image is created only by crystals that seem to swim in the air - exceptional workmanship. A special part of the necklaces range is the Crystal Rocks collection, created exclusively for the innovative Crystal Rocks crystals in symmetrical or asymmetric designs. The special arrangement of the crystals in these necklaces provokes unique glare with every movement of the jewellery. The vast array of perfectly crafted collections of La Senja necklaces can be nicely combined with the matching elements of the collections of earrings, bracelets and rings to achieve a complete image of the contemporary woman's vision.

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Why choose necklaces with Swarovski crystals from La Senja ?

  • 100% authentic Swarovski Necklaces
  • 12 month guarantee
  • Официален вносител на бижута с кристали Сваровски
  • Оторизиран представител
  • Swarovski Certificate
  • Handmade Jewelry with Quality and Precision
  • 15+ years in the market

Често задавани въпроси свързани с предлаганите от нас колиета с кристали Сваровски

Оригинални ли са нашите колиета Сваровски?

Всички наши колиета са произведени със 100% оригинални кристали Сваровски, което се доказва с холограмния сертификат на Сваровски.

Предлагаме ли сертификат за автентичност и качество?

Всички наши колиета са придружени от безусловното доказателство за автентичност и качество на кристалите Сваровски – уникалният 16-цифров холограмен сертификат „Crystals from Swarovski“, който много малко фирми биха могли да предоставят на клиента.


Да, всички наши бижута и аксесоари са с безплатна доставка в цялата страна, без значение от стойността на вашата покупка.

Имаме ли магазин в който да видите колиетата, които предлагаме?

Нашите колиета с кристали Сваровски можете да закупите както от сайта, така и в нашия магазин и шоу-рум на бул. „Симеоновско Шосе“ 9, където ще разгледате и пробвате на място цялата колекция.

От какви материали са произведени нашите колиета?

Гаранция за качеството и дълготрайността на нашите колиета са висококачествените материали, в които се влагат кристалите Сваровски – родирано сребро 925 и медицинска стомана 316L със специални форми по дизайн на специализирани в бижутерията дизайнери.

Ръчно изработени ли са нашите колиета?

Всички наши колиета La Senja с кристали Сваровски са резултат на старателна и прецизна ръчна работа на опитни апликатори, получили признанието на самите Сваровски чрез удостояването ни за единствения апликационен център на Сваровски в България.

Как получавате Вашето колие?

Всички колиета La Senja с кристали Сваровски се доставят до клиента в луксозна бижутерска кутийка немско производство с логото ни и придружено от уникалния холограмен сертификат “Crystals from Swarovski®” – гаранция за автентичност.